Thursday 15 November 2012

Maal Hijrah

Good morning everyone. Today is the first day of the Islamic calendar. It's 1 Muharram 1434AH. The first day of the Islamic calendar is celebrated by Muslims to commemorate the hijrah of Rasulullah SAW and his followers from Makkah to Madinah to spread the jihad and the teachings of Islam as guided by Allah SWT. The outcome from the Hijrah was the Madinah Charter which was the first written constitution in the world. The constitution was agreed together with the Muslims and non-Muslims in Madinah. Hijrah in today's context can also mean changing our ways, from being bad to be good in a more Islamic way.

In Malaysia, the Maal Hijrah is celebrated nationwide such as doing the prayers for the new year in the Islamic calendar which is called "doa akhir tahun" and "doa awal tahun" which is read before and after the Azan Maghrib. This practice was officially started during the Khalifah Umar Al-Khattab era.

I knew a lot about the Hijrah because this event was mentioned in the Sejarah textbook. Even when I first received the Sejarah Paper 3 paper a month ago, the question paper asked about Hijrah. So on this opportunity, I would like to say Selamat Maal Hijrah to all Muslims around the world.

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